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  • How do I arrange to have my order shipped to me?
    Shipping can be arranged through FedEx or Canada Post, with tracking numbers provided. The cost of shipping will be calculated and added to your Invoice.
  • How do I pickup my order?
    Due to COVID-19, gallery pick-ups are currently by appointment only. The gallery is located at 980 Queen St. West, just east of Ossignton Ave. There is no parking on Queen St. West between 2-7 pm, Monday-Friday, until further notice due to the construction on King St (regularly it is 4-6pm). Please call or email to arrange a time for pick-up, and we will ensure your work is packed and ready for you.
  • How to I pay for my order?
    Once your order is submitted you will receive an auto-generated order confirmation. Please wait for a follow up email from the gallery which includes your official invoice before making payment. Method of payment (e-transfer, cheque or cash) and shipping arrangements can be discussed at this time.
  • How long will it take for my order to be shipped to me?
    Once your order is received the gallery will explore shipping options and provide you with a time frame depending on the shipping service you'd like to use. Shipping options include FedEx and Canada Post, with tracking numbers provided.
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